

wind-turbine-957438_1920.jpgCurrently, the United States imports the bulk of its oil from the Middle East and other politically unstable nations. It is imperative to our national security that the United States becomes energy independent. In order to do so, comprehensive energy legislation is needed.

I believe that environmentally safe energy exploration in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) and the Outer Continental Shelf is an important component of this comprehensive energy legislation.

Furthermore, I believe that nuclear power constitutes a safe, effective, and environmentally friendly way to produce energy for our country. Greater reliance on nuclear power will result in a reduction of importing oil from nations friendly to terrorists. Nuclear power creates jobs, provides large amounts of energy at a time when energy costs are so high, and strengthens our national security and economic stability. A critical part of this is our own Anderson County, specifically Oak Ridge.

Other important components include environmental improvements for oil and gas production, the development of clean coal power and the expansion of renewable energy technologies such as wind and solar power. Together, these alternative energy sources have the potential to reduce our nation’s dependence on other countries for energy.

We must find common sense solutions to our current and future energy needs. Americans want reliable and affordable energy sources that allow our economy to grow.

Paid for by Chuck Fleischmann for Congress Committee, Inc., Randall Hebert, Treasurer